Eyebrow Artist
The eyebrow designer uses the Golden Ratio principle along with the science of light and shadow in the design. Adenaro is skilled and designed using advanced techniques to calculate and evaluate the internal and external structures of the face such as bones, vertical and horizontal muscles. Muscles used to express individual facial expressions and emotions. subcutaneous fat layer Characteristics of wrinkles Sagging, facial features, facial shape, characteristics of each person's eyebrows. The direction of hair growth, various problems and limitations, etc. and is a person who has graduated specifically in painting or fine arts. Have basic knowledge in anatomy and art.

Medical Eyebrow Artist
Eyebrow painting artist Meticulously and precisely according to the design and only those who have graduated in medical technology or nursing assistants Because when tattooing or painting must be given importance and have a deep understanding of maintaining cleanliness and sterility strictly according to various standards and procedures That is specified in Adenaro's advanced techniques.