
Reviews of celebrities, artists, and leading people in the industry

Ms. Bow Chompoonut Rojsirirat

Adena would like to thank Khun Bow Chompoonut Rojsirirat. Thank you so much for trusting Adina to take care of your "eyebrows." They say that eyebrows are the crown of the face. And Bow believes that.
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Mr. Aom Sakaojai Poonsawat

Because eyebrows are a big issue for Skaw. Eyebrows form the crown of the face. Besides being a mother You have less time to take care of yourself, but your eyebrows still have to be perfect and beautiful.
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Ms. Yo Yosawadee Hasdeevijit

Edena would like to thank Khun Yo Yosawadee Hasdeevijit for trusting in Adena. Take care of your beautiful eyebrows. I've been here all along. This is the 5th year that Khun Yo has come to get her eyebrows done with Adena.
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